Before and after pictures of me. I never ever EVER smiled "open mouthed" until after I got my dentures. Now I smile all the time :-)
Do I tell people about my dentures?
No, absolutely not. I enjoy blogging, and vlogging about my experiences as a young denture wearer, but in "real life" I want everyone to think that these are my real teeth. Now dont get me wrong, I am proud of these teeth. I paid a lot of money for them, and they are mine, and nothing to be ashamed about.Still, people can be cruel, kids especially, and I know that ridicule I could get if I went around announcing my lack of teeth. I wont go in public, or let my kids see me without my teeth. I want the most natural looking dentures as possible. I want to forget that I have them when Im talking to a stranger, or smiling in public.And guess what? I do! Ive had my teeth for almost 6 months now, and they are just like a part of me. Think of your teeth as a prosthetic, just like a fake arm or leg.Use it everyday, and eventually it becomes a part of you. If someone asks me if I have "fake teeth" and they do occassionally, I say yes. Because let me tell you something, I was more ashamed of the bad teeth I had before than the pearly whites I have now! People used to judge me, wrongfully. And now when I meet someone new, I get treated with respect.Its nice. If you have dentures, dont be ashamed.Be sexy! Be confident! Whether you are in your 50s 60s 30s or even 20s, be proud to have a beautiful smile, and enjoy it! The good aspects of having these teeth outweigh the negative aspects. I will go over this topic more later, until then Thanks for reading! xoxoxoTiffany
As a 33 year old girl, my biggest concern with getting dentures was "Will I still be sexy?" and "Will my husband still find me attractive?" My husband and I had been married 15 years, and we had discussed dentures for years. He had always said it wouldnt bother him, but I knew it would. I mean, who wouldnt be bothered by it? Only time would tell how the teeth would really affect our relationship, and how they would affect my self esteem. My husband and I are very sexual people. We have always had a great sex life, making love at least once a day if not two or three times a day. Initially, my teeth had no negative effect except for the obvious. He was naturally afraid to have me go "down there" because he thought I could accidently bite or cut him with my sharp teeth. And in the beginning I was mortified for him to see me without my teeth, so I didnt want to take them out! And kissing, :( I love kissing, but I didnt try to kiss him for fear of it being weird. It took a while, but we do kiss (only pecks on the cheek or lips though) Oh how I miss french kissing.......Eventually, after about a month, I became a little more comfortable with myself, and while in the dark, I took out my teeth and went down on him. He absolutely loved it. I thought, well good, these teeth do have advantages, and I can be SEXY. When I take my teeth out, it is either dark, or I go under the covers.Before we get into position for love making, I put them back in discreetly. Now although I am married, I still wonder what other guys would think about my teeth. I wonder if I were to french kiss a stranger, would they know? I wonder, when guys look at me, am I sexyier with these teeth? Well of course I am! And that leads me to the best part about my new teeth. This new smile makes me FEEL sexier. And feling better about my appearance makes me more outgoing, frisky, naughty. I smile more, take more chances. The old me, never smiled, and avoided conversation, but now I can talk and smile freely, and put myself out there. I embrace this new part of me, and my sexuality and enjoy it. I like that it feels good when I go down on my hubby, and I fantasize on different tricks and techniques to try. Being a denture wearer in your young adult life is not the end of the world, in fact with a little imagination, it can be another exciting chapter in your sex life!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
I could barely sleep the night before my "surgery". I refer to as as a surgery only because I am a big baby when it comes to pain, and getting teeth pulled is about as terrifying as an experience as anyone could imagine.My remaining teeth were scattered randomly throughout my mouth, discolored some cavity filled, and yet as mangled as my smile was, it was mine.Those horrid teeth, were mine.And I wasnt sure how to feel about having my smile ripped away, and replaced with a fake plastic smile. What really bothered me most, was fear.I had never particularly enjoyed going to the dentist, because every visit involved shots, and fillings. But I had grown fond of the dentisit I had been using for about 8 years. He was amazing, kind, and had a magic touch, I was often so calm, that his shots didnt bother me. And this man that I trusted, would not be the man to do my surgery. I couldnt afford my dentist's $3000 price tag for dentures, and the "same day denture" clinic was much more affordable, under $800 for a complete set. I was terriefied to have a stranger pull so many teeth out of my mouth at once, I believe it was 18 teeth. Now keep in mind that everyones experience will be different, I would never want to discourage anyone, besides I am a coward when it comes to pain! I went in the morning of the surgery and was taken back to an open area seperated by partitions where several other patients were also having teeth extracted. Hearing the goings on of the technicians around me made me nervous, and I felt ill. The dentist came over and began my shots and there were many. You get shots in every imagineable area, including the roof of your mouth which hurts like heck! But the shots made the extractions painless. The tugging and pulling, and cracking noise of my breaking teeth however caused me to begin crying uncontrollably, and I had what I guess was an anxiety attack. The dentisit handled it well, he stopped the procedure and calmed me down, before finishing. The noises you hear are the worst part. I didnt see myself without teeth. I lay there a bloody mess, with gauze stuffed in every hole.A few minutes later, a technician came up with a new, large looking, white set of teeth, ready to be placed in my mouth. They were made of the same material that fake fingernails are made of, they smelled just like a nail salon. And I wondered if I would have to taste and smell this forever.Gross. But after about 24 -48 hours, it went away. When I finally looked into the mirror in my car, at my new smile, I hated it. It was big, and white, and in a way, it was a mega-watt movie star smile.But it was not mine. The bulkiness had changed the shape of my face, especially around my chin. It looked like I had a big mouth guard for football player in my mouth. And worse yet, I couldnt talk! I sounded like a slurring 2 year old! I thought I had made a huge mistake. But who was I kidding there was nothing left to hold onto. Once I got home from the 45 minute drive, I began staring at my teeth. I made a vlog for my youtube channel, then tried different looks with my makeup. I put on some bright red lipstick, something I never wore because of my yellow teeth. It was gorgeous! This made me feel better about my smile, and I knew that no matter what struggles lay ahead, my beautiful smile would be worth it, and would pay off, and I was right!. Join me for my next blog,where Ill go into the healing process and what I went through the first couple of weeks until then, Thanks for reading! xoxoxoTiffany